Where is Your Comfort Zone?

Where is Your Comfort Zone?

Recently a life was uprooted. Completely changed, turned upside down and immediately thrust into an unknown place in a foreign land. The comfort of home, luxury of routines, lull of security, reassurance of surroundings, solace of friends, contentment of community and ease of tradition were instantly gone.

This radical change led to feelings of nakedness, fearfulness, uneasiness, aloneness and utter isolation. As confusion set in, He began to reveal that the sojourner was attached to social ties, behaviors, comforts and traditions that were not allowing for total surrender. A living room with a cup of tea, a burning candle and a knitted sweater showing comfortThese attachments were masking those things that needed to be surrendered in order to be further formed into His image. What the sojourner thought to be important connections were actually long-nurtured beliefs that kept the sojourner enslaved.

The truth revealed in the Spiritual Journey is that security, comfort and contentment is found in our Creator, not in the physical realm. Understanding that the Spiritual Journey takes each sojourner to places that are unfamiliar and uncomfortable is one of the ways God can reveal where the heart really is vs. where believers think it is. This sojourner became locked into a place of what was thought needed surrendered vs. what He knows needed surrendered, and the drastic change was the way the Creator saw to ‘shake things loose’ and the divine surrender begins.

Wherever the believer lives, becoming one with the Eternal Spirit is the longed-for country, the true dwelling place of safety, comfort and security, as the one pure affection of the heart has found its home. The need to belong is a specific need and will only adapt to knowing heaven as home and God as Father and Creator.

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