Author and Teacher
Do you know that we can understand everything that is written in the Bible? And He will teach us things beyond what the Bible says. It is true.
The “Author” of the book of the Bible lives in the reader. The Master Teacher, teaches. It is who He is. He can take something that we think we can’t possibly understand, and break it down into parts, pieces, language, words, illustrations that we can understand, and can apply to life today.
With all things, God has a part, and we have a part. Our part is to focus on His words and diligently seek Him in those words with a deep desire to understand. Then meditate over and over on what we read, questions we have, actions taken, and have faith in the Teacher and His ability to reveal it. He wants to teach!
Meditating is done from the still mind and a quiet heart and can be most fruitful during normal daily activities. There is no one accepted way, as it is what is comfortable to the individual. There are many types of meditation, and all involve the reflective and contemplative thinking processes. Any thing, whether it be a word, action, question or parable that is turned over and over will eventually open to the understanding as the truth in the message is revealed.
The purpose of meditation is to extend the invitation for light to enter dark places and reveal what is yet unknown to the individual. A meditative state allows God to reveal himself, and to communicate all that is in store for the believer.