
Same Ol’, Same Ol’

Same Ol’, Same Ol’

In a dream, I didn’t have anywhere to go and couldn’t see where I was going to live. It was distressing and I was very upset. Things had been changing in my life, but now there seemed to be a deafening silence and a confusion I didn’t understand. On a walk, I bumped into the couple who had purchased my previous house. After exchanging pleasantries, they asked how I was doing and where I was living, so I told them…

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All Of Me

All Of Me

As the Christmas season is here, set aside the noise, the busyness, the activities, and the plans. Celebrate the season, not only with a quietness of heart and mind, but with all the senses. Allow the Sprit to heighten your senses and abilities, and understand that all five human senses have their spiritual counterparts. Celebrate the spiritual sense of taste: If indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious. 1 Peter 2:3 Taste and see that the LORD is…

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Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

In a dream, a large group of about 10 people, including myself, were going somewhere. We seemed to know the destination, had a strict schedule that was important to keep, and we were moving as a group towards it. But one of our group members wanted to stop at a store and it took them a long time to purchase what they wanted. Another group member wanted to stop at a restaurant to eat. While we were at the restaurant,…

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Building Spiritual Muscles

Building Spiritual Muscles

Have you ever really looked at a bodybuilder? If so, you can appreciate the development that comes with a fierce commitment. Whether for sport or recreation, bodybuilders do not achieve that level of fitness overnight. Nor does it take just a week, a month or even a year. Their form and strength are built over a prolonged period using a wide range of exercises and disciplines, with an intense daily focus, diligence and dedication. Ask any bodybuilder and they will…

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Futile Ends

Futile Ends

In this dream, I was looking for a property to purchase. Not a big farm, but just a small piece of land. Every place I looked at had a red barn, but there was something wrong with each one. One had the roof that collapsed; the next was leaning off to one side. Another was completely laid over, and the following one had been all but destroyed by fire. Every property I looked at had a big red barn that…

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When All Is Silent

When All Is Silent

When Jesus heard that his friend Lazarus was sick, He stayed two more days in the place where He was. (John 11:6) The bible shows us that Jesus didn’t immediately come running when he heard his friend was sick. Nor does it indicate that He sent a message back at once. When all is silent, this can be confusing or upsetting; delay of an answer feels bewildering or even agonizing. Oswald Chambers, in his writings in ‘From My Utmost for…

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A Prayer For The Masses

A Prayer For The Masses

Daniel 9:4-19 is prayer where Daniel confessed the sin of his people, while glorified the goodness and righteousness of God. As we Americans enter a season of elections, holidays, and a new year of uncertainty, let all the saints come together in prayer for our cities, counties, states, and nation: I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed: “Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments,…

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Familiar Faces, Familiar Places

Familiar Faces, Familiar Places

I have been having numerous dreams over several years’ time. In these dreams are people and places from the past. In one dream it may be an elementary teacher or a high school friend, in another it was a college ex-boyfriend. I have had several that are former co-workers from as long as 20 years ago. Some dreams include relatives who may or may not still be alive. Several dreams have had social acquaintances or people who have just simply…

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The other day, I found myself in a game of dodgeball. I was walking along, minding my own business when I got hit in the back with a ball. Orange. Couldn’t miss it. When I turned around, I got hit in the side with a blue ball. As I reached down to pick up the orange one, I was hit in the head with a red one. Thus, the game began, and no, this was not a child’s game. The…

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There’s an old Yiddish adage that says “Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht” which translated means: “man plans, and God laughs.” Despite our most careful planning, the Road of Life is unpredictable. The unpredictability of life and our own expectations lead to heartbreak and great disappointment. But in reality, God isn’t laughing. Our good and loving Heavenly Father does not laugh at His children who He so carefully and lovingly created, and He wants His best for us. Disappointment comes in…

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