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Category: Anger

Why Am I So Angry?

Why Am I So Angry?

Anger is displayed when you are not satisfied with where you are, what you are doing, and you can’t do anything about it. It’s wanting and not having. These desires may or may not be godly, and there is no earthly means that will alleviate the dilemma. There are lots of reasons for anger, but only one cause—dissatisfaction. It’s a long road home, not counting the work necessary to bring about the compatibility needed for the unfamiliar and divine environment…

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You Are Who You Are For A Reason

You Are Who You Are For A Reason

You Are Who You Are For A Reason By Russell Kelfer You are who you are for a reason. You’re part of an intricate plan. You’re a precious and perfect unique design, Called “God’s special woman or man” You look like you look for a reason. Our God made no mistake. He knit you together within the womb, You’re just what He wanted to make! The parents you had were the ones He chose, And no matter how you may…

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The Spiritual Journey: Significant Event #1 – Birth

The Spiritual Journey: Significant Event #1 – Birth

The first step in the spiritual journey begins with the birth. The birth, not of natural form but rather of spiritual form may begin with feeling there is something ‘more’. That nothing or no one on this earth can fill the need of a longing that can’t even really be described. Things we once enjoyed are no longer fulfilling, and an overall deep longing is the prevailing mood. There may be what is known as heartache, but it is really the…

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It’s OK to Kick Up Some Dust

It’s OK to Kick Up Some Dust

God understands where we are and the things we face, and He understands if there are times we may grumble a little bit and ‘kick the dirt’, so to speak. Sometimes this is the way for us to get our heart right first. Then, we are to remember the importance of godly integrity and honesty in everything we do and say. We must refuse to allow the fear of rejection to tempt us to use deception as a means of…

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Sometimes we find ourselves with an inner ‘grrrr’ towards people, situations, circumstances, or even toward ourselves. Sometimes it ebbs and flows, other times it can be more constant for days at a time. Know that there is nothing to do about the way you feel, except just BE QUIET. The turmoil usually means that more maturity is needed. Take the time to absorb or reflect on what God has said to you. For now, you are still walking in what you…

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Anger is displayed when you are not satisfied with where you are, what you are doing and you can’t do anything about it. It’s wanting and not having. These desires may or may not be godly, and there is no earthly means that will alleviate the dilemma. There are lots of reasons for anger, but only one cause – dissatisfaction. It’s a long road home, not counting the work necessary to bring about the compatibility needed for the unfamiliar yet divine…

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