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Category: Journey

God As A Lifestyle

God As A Lifestyle

Oswald Chambers, the Scottish evangelist and teacher wrote about the habit of having no habits where he implores us to check ourselves to see if our god is something other than God. He explains that it is easy to develop Christian habits that we focus on rather than focusing on the Lord Himself. This is something we all need to take a prayerfully close look at. Chambers sums it up by saying that our habits should be so immersed in…

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Dreams and visions can range from severe to humorous, depending on the dreamer’s attention to the Spiritual Journey. In this particular dream, I was trying to put on some underwear that wasn’t fitting properly, and I couldn’t figure out the cause. One leg felt too large, while the other too small. And the fabric stretched the wrong way and was made of a material that was not conducive to easy donning. The elastic seemed strange, but I knew the underwear was…

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“In my Father’s dwelling place, there are many mansions, or many abodes, many domains, or many resting places.” Mansions are dimensions or habitations in the spirit. Whatever level of surrender and corresponding harmony each believer attains is where healing and restoration begins. The understanding we reach is our spiritual level or dimension that we will reside in is our eternal home. Individual resting places are in accord with individual spiritual development during the Journey. While living in a body, we…

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A good friend asked me recently if I have any regrets. As I mentally flipped through conversations, actions and experiences, I found myself saying ‘no. I do not.’ Then the friend asked, ‘how can you not?’ He confessed to having many regrets. When we are truly in sync with God and we do something that is regrettable, the Spirit is quick to convict. Repentance and asking for forgiveness quickly follow, as does forgiveness of others—and ourselves. If reconciliation is prompted,…

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Solitude vs. Isolation

Solitude vs. Isolation

“Solitude well practiced will break the power of busyness, haste, isolation, and loneliness. You will see that the world is not on your shoulders after all. Your will find yourself, and God will find you in new ways. Silence also brings Sabbath to you. It completes solitude, for without it you cannot be alone. Far from being a mere absence, silence allows the reality of God to stand in the midst of your life. God does not ordinarily compete for…

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God, I Need More…

God, I Need More…

During a recent prayer, I found I was having this conversation: Me: God. It’s me. Please, I need more muscles. Give me more muscles. God: I have given you all the muscles you need to do what you need to do. Me: But I’m having difficulty walking a long distance, and I can’t peddle my bike, I can’t stand for long, I can’t row my boat, I can’t do this, and I can’t do that. So, please, I need more muscles….

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Location, Location, Location

Location, Location, Location

The experiences of yesterday, today, tomorrow and all the days to come are about: Location. Location. Location. It shows you where you are; IN RELATION TO GOD. IT LOCATES YOU. IT LOCATES YOUR HEART. IT LOCATES YOUR FAITH. IT LOCATES YOUR MATURITY LEVEL. IT LOCATES YOUR TRUST. IT LOCATES YOUR FRUIT. IT LOCATES YOUR OBEDIENCE. IT LOCATES WHAT YOU DESIRE.

Where is Your Comfort Zone?

Where is Your Comfort Zone?

Recently a life was uprooted. Completely changed, turned upside down and immediately thrust into an unknown place in a foreign land. The comfort of home, luxury of routines, lull of security, reassurance of surroundings, solace of friends, contentment of community and ease of tradition were instantly gone. This radical change led to feelings of nakedness, fearfulness, uneasiness, aloneness and utter isolation. As confusion set in, He began to reveal that the sojourner was attached to social ties, behaviors, comforts and traditions…

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The Invitation Of Meditation

The Invitation Of Meditation

Meditating is done from the still mind and a quiet heart and can be most fruitful during normal daily activities. There is no one accepted way, as it is what is comfortable to the individual. There are many types of meditation and all involve the reflective and contemplative thinking processes. A word, action, question or parable that is turned over and over will eventually open to the understanding as the truth in the message is revealed. The purpose of meditation…

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