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Category: Journey

With Humility Comes Wisdom

With Humility Comes Wisdom

Find the place of peace and spiritual safety. This is done through constant forgiveness and unaffected humility in the very circumstance a believer seems to be stuck in. True humility is to trust and rely on the very one who holds your life in His hands and has your best interest at heart. During the process, yielding to a defensive attitude will take you down a road that you will not enjoy, for it will open the door to anger, sorrow,…

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The Amulet

The Amulet

Two friends were walking on the beach one sunny morning having a discussion about their jobs. One friend, being a firefighter, was relaying his stories of the latest life-saving and dramatic rescues of the prior week. He explained that he was never afraid because he always kept an amulet in his pocket. “I am never without it and it protects me and keeps me safe”, he told his friend. The friend knew that the firefighter didn’t need the amulet and told…

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The Spiritual Journey: Significant Event #7 – Return

The Spiritual Journey: Significant Event #7 – Return

The final progression of the commandment to “Follow Me” begins and the longing diminishes. A sense of well-being settles in and flourishes as the Christ-like nature is secured, and peace, happiness, and safety become a welcome home banquet. Service to the community of God and man becomes the lifestyle that is lived from the eternal spirit’s heart of love, compassion and mercy. This action is the authority of the believer on the earth. The heavenly kingdom now functions on the…

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Whatever It Takes, Lord

Whatever It Takes, Lord

A recent post came from a favorite author, Jon Bloom. Called Seven Ways to Pray for Your Heart, each prayer begins with “whatever it takes, Lord”. The prayers are bold, and they are courageous. The prayers show God that we are engaged in what we want to happen in our life. “Whatever it takes, Lord” shows that we trust God completely on the Spiritual Journey to make us Christ-like. Whatever it takes, Lord, give me delight in You as the…

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Up The Mountain

Up The Mountain

Quieting the soul and reading the following passage can help believers visualize and understand the movement that represents the Spiritual Journey. “Head up the mountain and listen, for there are many things that are to be revealed. The road is steep, but it has been traveled before. Hush and stillness fill the air during ascension. Notice the fragrance. Sit for a while and gaze upon the distant hills and valleys below. There is a haze and darkness that fills the…

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Sacred Forest

Sacred Forest

There is a lot written about the quiet and the silence on the Spiritual Journey. Even though there can be long periods of silence, listening intently for what the Spirit is saying should never cease. Much can still be heard and received in the quiet.   Sacred Forest poem by E.A. Wilhelm I come this way a lot, you know, It’s cool and quite so still. The sanctity of life itself can silence nature’s trill. But in the calm and…

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Mending Fences

Mending Fences

In a dream, my dear friend offered to help me fix parts of my fence; both the broken and missing pickets, as well as, some of the vertical posts and the horizontal cross bars. After making our list, we ventured to the local lumber yard to get supplies. With my truck backed up to the lumber pile, my friend began sorting through piles of boards for what we needed. He found some that were twisted, some looked petrified or splintered,…

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The Golden Gull

The Golden Gull

With years of living and working on a farm, one becomes accustomed to the flocks of migrating birds in search of food that is easily found by the flocks following the machines that turn over the ground at harvest time. One particular day, however, an enormous flock of gulls circled the field, but never landed. Their formation was lyrical and graceful as the flight pattern continued overhead. The final circling changed the appearance of the flock, as each individual gull followed…

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Are you air sick yet?

Are you air sick yet?

In a dream, I was flying in a little plane and was in the back seat. I took this flight daily and was comfortable with the pilot who only flew high and straight, level and cautious. On one particular day, I noticed the pilot of my plane was different. We took off and immediately he began to fly along power lines, close to the road, up and over telephone lines, and back down close to the ground. He looped and…

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No Place Like Home

No Place Like Home

Feeling lost, alone and helpless, and subsequent crying and upset, can be part of the Spiritual Journey. Many feelings will surface but they are not the guide: The eternal Spirit is. Crossing over is difficult, dry, alone and confusing, but you are being prepared to leave what is and enter what will be. While there is movement forward, no place is going to be fitting for a long time. Home isn’t where you want to be, work isn’t where you…

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