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Category: Journey

Feelings, Oh, Woh Woh Feelings…

Feelings, Oh, Woh Woh Feelings…

In the mid-1970’s, there was a song that reached the top of pop charts called “Feelings” in which the lyrics reflected the feeling of loss, sadness, misery and regret. Listening to the artist sing about tears rolling down his face could ultimately invoke your own rivers of tears as the flesh responded to this song of despair.  Whenever ‘feelings’ are invoked, whether negative or positive, it is important in the Spiritual Journey to understand the place and the purpose of…

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The Maze

The Maze

Set your heart on the pilgrimage. The Spiritual Journey, which ultimately ends at complete spiritual maturity and the Christ-like nature, leads believers through what seems like a maze. This maze is to reveal personal motives, behaviors, attitudes and corresponding actions, and to become liberated from those things that ultimately do not serve—and have no place—in the Kingdom. Setting your heart on the pilgrimage with the decision to keep moving forward at any cost, will help you navigate the path as…

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The Spiritual Journey: Significant Event #3 – Sufferings

The Spiritual Journey: Significant Event #3 – Sufferings

Sufferings is a long and difficult leg of the Spiritual Journey. It is crucial to understand the purpose: it is the time when the believer’s incorrect belief system is emptied out. This is the time that is referred to as ‘separating sheep from goats, wheat from tare.’ It is a long and tedious process of emptying out a lifetime of habits, opinions, prejudices, stereotypes and beliefs, and allowing spiritual truth to become the ruling authority. The more access God is…

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A Gentle Reminder For Believers On The Journey

A Gentle Reminder For Believers On The Journey

Who and what you cooperate with becomes partner, friend and ally. The more access the Creator has, the more involved He will be. The more involved He gets, the more thorough He can be. Remember that He is the creator, not an intruder, so He has to be given the right to manage the process of clearing out the debris that is harmful to each believer. As debris is cleared, each believer can advance in their journey. Be willing to…

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The Spiritual Journey: Significant Event #2 – Earthly Ministry

The Spiritual Journey: Significant Event #2 – Earthly Ministry

This is the evangelistic period when the knowledge of God is sown in the heart of the believer by the Spirit. The hearer receives the word through listening to teachings, reading scripture, books and literature. Devotions, quiet times, and prayers become part of daily living. Guard the heart and protect all that is given. Anyone desiring to only know God will be separated to a secret place to hear more than what is written in the bible or spoken in…

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The Spiritual Journey: Significant Event #1 – Birth

The Spiritual Journey: Significant Event #1 – Birth

The first step in the spiritual journey begins with the birth. The birth, not of natural form but rather of spiritual form may begin with feeling there is something ‘more’. That nothing or no one on this earth can fill the need of a longing that can’t even really be described. Things we once enjoyed are no longer fulfilling, and an overall deep longing is the prevailing mood. There may be what is known as heartache, but it is really the…

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The Spiritual Journey: Seven Significant Events

The Spiritual Journey: Seven Significant Events

The spiritual journey consists of seven significant events that mirror the life of Jesus. Only when these spiritual events are completed will our lives be completely transformed with a new God-like nature, prepared to fulfill the highest calling on our life. Each significant event is a process uniquely created to bring each of us out of bondage and into freedom. This pilgrimage requires a solitude and quietness that can, many times, lead to feeling isolated and helpless. But with diligence, obedience, constant…

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Everything Seems Backwards

Everything Seems Backwards

In a dream, I was leaning over tying my tennis shoes. When I stood up and took a step, I looked down and my shoes were on backwards. I sat back down, switched and re-tied them. When I stood up and took a couple of steps, I saw my shoes were on backwards again. As I sat back down, I thought, “What the heck is going on?” No matter how many times I switched them, when I stood up to…

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It’s OK to Kick Up Some Dust

It’s OK to Kick Up Some Dust

God understands where we are and the things we face, and He understands if there are times we may grumble a little bit and ‘kick the dirt’, so to speak. Sometimes this is the way for us to get our heart right first. Then, we are to remember the importance of godly integrity and honesty in everything we do and say. We must refuse to allow the fear of rejection to tempt us to use deception as a means of…

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Fleecing is a medium, acting as an intervening force to determine some action, or direction desired. The word ‘if’ always accompanies the fleece and exempts the individual of the responsibility for the course taken. By using a fleece, the eternal spirit is deprived of its rightful authority to give divine instructions to the asker.