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Category: Journey

There Is Only One

There Is Only One

There is one of all. Every one and every thing is an extension or indication of that one original existence. For example, there is only one love. When it is broken up and applied to objects, it is seen as many kinds of love: love your child, love your dog, love your house, love your job. But when it is left whole and pure, and not broken up, then Love knows no bounds. The same is true with fear. There…

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Dreams & Visions

Dreams & Visions

Dreams and visions are methods used to reveal lessons, provide instruction, counsel and direction, and even warnings. Prophetic events also occur through this medium. Dreams and visions can range from severity to humorous, depending on the dreamers’ attention to the spiritual journey. Life’s purpose determines intensity and frequency of the dreams. Corresponding events always follow a dream or vision and may transpire immediately, or occur at a later time. Either way, the natural desire to know can allow the imagination to…

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The long, slow process of surrender enables the believer to enter their eternal home. To finally belong in a spiritual environment that’s satisfying is where safety, security and happiness reside. Little by little, self-created ideas and plans are surrendered until the believer is totally disconnected from the past addictive nature and its sensual earth bound life. Total surrender of the will is when the believer has been stripped of former values and worth and can begin the transformation to the…

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Heaven’s Intent

Heaven’s Intent

Heaven looks to partner with anyone who answers the call. A lifestyle of cooperation is needed for God to work through an individual and effortlessly bring about the will of God on the earth.

Be Fruitful and Multiply

Be Fruitful and Multiply

In order to be fruitful and multiply, God needs us in that perfect place of His design. To get into that perfect place, we have to have everything of ourselves removed. If we could get to that perfect place by our own volition, we would be fruitful and multiply all of our own foolishness that we currently know and use. That would be our eternal state: poverty, ignorance, sickness and disease would be the produce. This is why God is the only…

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Sometimes we find ourselves with an inner ‘grrrr’ towards people, situations, circumstances, or even toward ourselves. Sometimes it ebbs and flows, other times it can be more constant for days at a time. Know that there is nothing to do about the way you feel, except just BE QUIET. The turmoil usually means that more maturity is needed. Take the time to absorb or reflect on what God has said to you. For now, you are still walking in what you…

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Time is the partner of the Spirit. When you look for something to fill time, it distracts your conscious mind from paying attention to and cooperating with the Spirit that continually works to bring a plan and purpose to pass. Use time efficiently.

What is the Spiritual Journey?

What is the Spiritual Journey?

What is the Spiritual Journey? The process in between accepting Jesus as Savior and the time when He completely becomes Lord of our life and we are in full surrender to Him is the ‘Spiritual Journey’. At the end of the Spiritual Journey, which is referred to as ‘home’, we have a completely transformed, Christ-like nature that has become one with His, and we partner with Him to bring Heaven to earth. The Spiritual Journey consists of seven significant events…

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Anger is displayed when you are not satisfied with where you are, what you are doing and you can’t do anything about it. It’s wanting and not having. These desires may or may not be godly, and there is no earthly means that will alleviate the dilemma. There are lots of reasons for anger, but only one cause – dissatisfaction. It’s a long road home, not counting the work necessary to bring about the compatibility needed for the unfamiliar yet divine…

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Maturity vs. Miracle

Maturity vs. Miracle

Sometimes you need spiritual growth more than you need a miracle. How does a person learn and grow? When you find the path that will help you develop what it is that you truly desire. Everything else is cycles of ignorance brought about by traveling the wide road that offers many different choices and many different options. Stand still and admit that you are not who you want to be, nor are you where you want to be. God already knows this, but…

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