Choose Wisely, My Friend
Choices. Every moment is a choice, and every choice has an outcome. In every moment there is a choice for what you follow. A choice for the path to take. A choice for how you want to live. A choice of the words you speak, and how to speak them. A choice of what kind of person to be. A choice for freedom or bondage. A choice to follow Jesus, or follow yourself (your emotions, your thoughts, your rights, your attitudes, your own ‘truth’). In that choice destines the man.
Apple on a tree,
apple on a tree,
return to the garden
with the apple on a tree.To things unknown he lent a hand;
A choice was made that destined the man.
Forever bound and a yearn to be free;
Choose wisely, my friend, when you stand at the tree.~ poem by: E.A. Wilhelm
The Road Home Is A Long Journey