Denying Jesus

Denying Jesus

A friend and I were sitting and drinking coffee one day. We were talking about the bible story where Peter denies Jesus—three times. This is such an important story that it occurs in all four gospels: Matthew 26:33-35, Mark 14:29-31, Luke 22:33-34 and John 18:15-27. As we continued to discuss this further, we both claimed: “I would never deny Jesus. Never.” I even went so far as to say, “not only would I not deny Him, but I would never deny Him THREE times!”

How many of us think that? How many of us have declared that very thing that Peter did? Jesus even told Peter that he would deny him, but Peter insisted, “Even if Ia contemplative older man have to die with you, I will never deny you.”

I have lived my entire life thinking how weak Peter was to have done what he did.

And as I sat with my friend, drinking my coffee, the Lord showed me: YOU DO DENY ME. “WHAT!?” I exclaimed. And then He showed me. That I deny Him:

When I refuse to forgive.
When I get angry with my spouse, boss, neighbor, etc.
When I choose to follow my flesh.
When I let the enemy enter my thoughts and take my joy.
When I complain, grumble, or murmur.
When I speak a mean word to anyone.
When I am unkind, impatient, or anxious.
When I act out of selfishness.
When I do not walk in love.
When I am not thankful or grateful.
When I do not give grace.
When I do not extend mercy.
When I say something negative about myself.

And. So. On…All these things deny Jesus.

Coffee with a friend ended on a down note. But later, I really looked at what happened with Peter. Jesus forgave and restored Peter and re-commissioned him as an apostle. Peter recognized his weakness and asked for His strength; and Jesus was faithful to forgive Peter’s setbacks and restore him.

And what is good and true in the bible, is good and true in our life today. When we deny Jesus, we can recognize it, admit it, repent from it and ask for His strength; and Jesus, forever faithful, will forgive and restore us.

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