

There’s an old Yiddish adage that says “Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht” which translated means: “man plans, and God laughs.” Despite our most careful planning, the Road of Life is unpredictable. The unpredictability of life and our own expectations lead to heartbreak and great disappointment. But in reality, God isn’t laughing. Our good and loving Heavenly Father does not laugh at His children who He so carefully and lovingly created, and He wants His best for us.

Disappointment comes in many forms, but there is only one root cause: we have something in our minds, our hearts, our beliefs that is built on something other than Christ. Everything, other than Christ, is temporary and futile. And when the temporary betrays, falls short of expectations, or fails to satisfy, disappointment sets in. The temporaries might be something such as selfish pursuits or desires, walking A disappointed woman against a walloutside the will of God, maintaining worldly expectations, placing hope in the world, failure to face reality, following bad counsel, just to name a few. We can also find ourselves being critical, as criticism is a reaction of disappointment when expectations have not been met.

Disappointment easily develops when our own self-defined expectations are not fulfilled. God expects us to take every day as it comes without presumption. Our own ideas of how things should be does not belong on the Spiritual Journey and needs emptied from us. Accept His way and trust that He will lead us through every difficult and dark valley.

When we find ourselves mired in disappointment, this is a signal that a change of focus is necessary. The focus must be to allow His work to be done and to understand what He wants for our lives. It requires leaving disappointments behind and setting the heart and mind on higher things. Begin by looking at blessings and looking at those things in which to be thankful. Press on to that journey ahead, not by bemoaning disappointment, but looking to the future with a full trust in God and His help to come through in victory. His will is that going through those difficult times is where we learn the important truth that is necessary for spiritual growth and advancement in the Spiritual Journey designed for our life. Talk to the Lord in every moment, and trust that He will answer. Learn to set each expectation on Him and His kingdom, and always seek to walk according to His will and purpose. Finally, don’t ever let any disappointment be a hinderance. Stay firmly centered on the Spiritual Journey.

“Disappointment and discouragement can leave a dark stain on the soul which must be brought into the light to be removed. He is the light, and in His presence, all darkness flees.” – Anonymous

God knows our trials and disappointments, but those have a spiritual purpose in which to learn where to establish the heart. Freedom from disappointment begins when the focus remains on Him, leaning into His presence and into His rest. The times of rest and refreshing will nourish and strengthen which allows the continued walk forward in that strength.  And the Lord’s promise is “Continue in the fear of the Lord, you will not be disappointed”.

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