Journey Help
The Spiritual Journey is a long and intense process that transforms the life of each believer. Though each step must be taken alone, we offer encouragement to all sojourners through our various publications. We believe each publication, in it's own way, will be helpful in understanding the process of metamorphosis. Click on the image to view the publication.
More Publications & Links To Help Those On The Spiritual Journey
We are always looking for guest authors, poets or artists who want to freely share their Spiritual Journey wisdom or experiences with visitors to our website. Please contact us if you would like to contribute and have your publication or experience posted here.
Dictionary of Spiritual Terms
CBT Publications' dictionary of spiritual terms is designed to help believers understand that words are spirit and defer to the spiritual meaning and purpose. Understanding word meanings will help eliminate misinterpretations, ignorance of a word learned, or false information passed from one generation to another.
The Perilous Journey
The Perilous Journey: A short story of pilgrimage, hope, choices and The Spiritual Journey that awaits all believers. This 1,000 word short story was originally inspired by a dream of the author in 2008. With revelation, the story became a metaphor for the real-life experiences faced when on the true Spiritual Journey.
Set Free By My King
Set Free By My King is a poem written for how surrendering to the loving training and discipline of the Lord can transform a life from carnal (sinful) ways that seem almost animalistic in nature into a reflection of the Christ-like nature that resides in each believer. Artwork by Emily Beron @ Etsy.

“Miracles lie in the unknown” is an epigram published by CBT Publications. Miracles occur through channels that only God can create, and connections that only He can make. Until God moved and joined experience, talent, and obedience, the miraculous junction and subsequent writing and publishing of “Keeping Up With God” remained in the unknown. This recently-published book was created through many hearts saying “yes, I will follow You, Lord” and thus, Psalm 145:6 came to pass proclaiming His great deeds through Colorado Homeless Families.
Published by Capture Books and authored by Donnetta Wilhelm, steward of CBT Publications, purchase “Keeping Up With God” today and read this incredible story of one woman's faith. She saw a need, raised a prayer, and was called by God for the unique opportunity to help the homeless in Denver.

Keeping Up With God - Pencraft First Place Winner - Christian Living
Pencraft First Place Winner - Christian Living
Published by Capture Books and authored by Donnetta Wilhelm, steward of CBT Publications, purchase “Keeping Up With God” today and read this incredible story of one woman's faith. She saw a need, raised a prayer, and was called by God for the unique opportunity to help the homeless in Denver.

Keeping Up With God - Writer's Digest - Honorable Mention
Writer's Digest - Honorable Mention
Published by Capture Books and authored by Donnetta Wilhelm, steward of CBT Publications, purchase “Keeping Up With God” today and read this incredible story of one woman's faith. She saw a need, raised a prayer, and was called by God for the unique opportunity to help the homeless in Denver.