Depression is the shadow of loss. It’s caused by the loss of who you are, your identity and everything you’ve learned and experienced from the old life. It’s being felt because nothing yet has replaced what has been taken. What part of the spiritual journey is the hardest? The death part. “So, what do I do now?” someone asks. Wait. On. God. And when it feels like there is no light, wait longer. In a dream, I was told to go to a train station and wait (metaphorically speaking). Well, I did that, and the light went down, and I sat in the dark, still waiting, so not knowing if or even when the train would arrive. This is how we find, and lay hold of the faith. Depression doesn’t have to cripple. It is meant to help us find and develop faith. Just be silent and wait, and move around with this in your heart, though you feel like the walking dead. The “sinking down” is what is needed, because it is surrender. You’ve heard about surrender, but now you know it. Depression and what you feel and it is reflective. Because this death is spiritual, it sends shock waves into the flesh, and of course, flesh wants a remedy. Obedience doesn’t have understanding. That’s why it seems so difficult. Wait on Him, and trust Him because there is nothing left to do.