The Spiritual Journey

The Spiritual Journey

There are many ideas, dogmas, doctrines and imaginations that try to explain exactly what the Spiritual Journey is. Most interpretations are that it is an individual’s life with their own desires, passions and pleasures while on the earth, from birth until death.

Black and white photo of an older woman walking down a gravel road.

The true Spiritual Journey, called The Way, has divine purpose to bring each believer into the Christ-like nature, a new being of spiritual maturity, existing on the earth, identifying with the heavenly environment, and living as purposed by the divine plan. The Spiritual Journey, with its divine purpose, is complete with a beginning and an ending.

The Spiritual Journey is hidden inside each believer’s earthly existence and the unfolding is not dependent on age, culture, ethnic status or environmental conditions. Any believer who desires personal change can enter into, pass through and emerge from events created with trials, tests, and lessons taught and lived through the life of Jesus. It’s through this passage that believers are permitted to join in the personal triumph, designed and created for all men.

The Spiritual Journey is also commonly referred to as “the long road home”, and the pilgrimage—The Way—is defined by the seven significant events in the life of Jesus that contain the necessary conditions to transform the life of every believer.

The Seven Significant Events:
Earthly Ministry

The spirit, soul and body of each individual must solely embark on the Spiritual Journey. The path leads through the maze of personal motives, behaviors, attitudes and corresponding actions to liberate the believer from constraints, oppressions and confinements. The believer’s decisions to make adjustments or corrections as the path bends and turns, determines the measure of the outcome. At the conclusion of the successful passage through the events, the believer has a new Christ-like nature with divine purpose. For our free downloadable booklet on the Spiritual Journey, click here.